We are thrilled to introduce two new therapies at Blackout Fitness: Fascial Stretch Therapy and Kinesiotherapy/Physiotherapy. A perfect complement to our community’s high-end training routine. These new offerings provide therapeutic recovery services to foster balance and boost overall health.

Every appointment is tailored towards expediting recovery and creating a comprehensive wellness experience that can be paired with and upgrade your training.

Our combined environments are designed to allow privacy with individual rooms for personal comfort, complemented by a full-service gym facility to help address any imbalances we find.

We recognize the profound power and impact that therapeutic practices will have on our community. As we continue to extend our reach beyond just the clinic or gym, fostering a healthier, more active community, we are excited to see the results and keep forging ahead with new beneficial services that will allow our collective to thrive together. Embark on a journey with us toward a revitalized you.